Clarity Chromatography System Control & Data Handling

The Clarity chromatography software is a control and chromatography data handling and reporting software allowing flexible control of up to four chromatography systems from one PC.

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The Clarity chromatography software is a control and chromatography data handling and reporting software allowing flexible control of up to four chromatography systems from one PC. The software is compliant with current GLP guidelines and CFR Part 11 directives of the FDA.

The Clarity CDS is supported by an extensive set of tutorials, demo versions and user training possibilities. The modular structure of the software allows for low cost full functionality with the simplest manual injection isocratic HPLC systems up to advanced quaternary high or low pressure gradient HPLC systems with multiple switching valves and detectors including for instance full Diode Array Detector data handling.

Clarity CDS user friendly licensing policy

When acquiring the Clarity Software, the user license has permanent validity within the same major version. Nowadays more and more software providers are moving towards a subscription licensing structure resulting in continuing periodical costs. The Clarity license consists of a hardware dongle along with a user license code with permanent validity. Also, if the user decides to refrain from upgrading the software, the license never expires.

Together with friendly priced offline workstations the Clarity CDS allows for remote data handling and reporting from virtually any Windows PC from virtually any location. With the past COVID-19 guidelines, like home-office work and, when data handling outside the laboratory and/or office is allowed, the Clarity CDS is probably the most economical option available in the market to facilitate remote chromatography data handling and reporting.

To test the software, try the Clarity Demo Download here. Contact us for licenses and support.

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Knowledge Base

We recommend you to read these articles in our Knowledge Base to learn more about this product:

Clarity 10 Changelogs

Clarity 9 Changelogs

Clarity 8 Changelogs

Clarity 7 Changelogs